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Revised Advanced English Grammar

Revised Advanced English Grammar

Advanced English Grammar Features

  • Extensive use of examples ensures that students grasp each topic fully.
  • Easy-to-understand examples that are easy for students to relate to and understand.
  • A variety of exercises tailored to reinforce understanding of the grammar concepts.
  • Activities designed to improve not just writing but also listening and speaking skills.
  • Self-Assessment Exercises enable students to test their understanding of key concepts as they progress.
  • The Syllabus in each book is well-researched, thorough, and comprehensive.
  • Compositions designed to enhance both formal and informal writing skills.
  • Assignments at the end of the book help teachers evaluate the overall learning of students.
  • The book progresses from basic to advanced concepts, ensuring that students build their skills step-by-step, at a comfortable pace.
  • Includes a variety of activities, fostering holistic learning in alignment with NEP 2020 and NCF 2023.